Renovation Frei­willige Feuer­wehr Korn­burg

Project description

The vehicle hall and the hose tower were built in their present form in 1981 with one parking space for the fire brigade’s emergency vehicle. The existing building has now undergone extensive renovation.
Among other things, damage to the façade was repaired.


The property is located in the district of Nuremberg-Kornburg on Kalkgrubenweg 29, 90455 Nuremberg.

Energy standard

The planned fire brigade equipment building is classified as a public non-residential building and built according to the current requirements of the EnEV (EnEV 2014, requirements for renovations and new buildings) and the EEWärmeG (Renewable Energies Heat Act).


Total area

494 m²

Parking spaces


Total costs

€1.5 million

Start of construction

May 2020

Completion of construction

December 2021

Architecture Eis Architekten GmbH, Bamberg
TGA Planung HDH Nürnberg GmbH, Nürnberg
Structural design Rührschneck und Habelt Büro für Ingenieurbau GmbH, Leutershausen
SIGEKO Dipl. Ing. (FH) Wolfgang Then, Nürnberg
Building acoustics ING+ARCH Partnerschaft mbH, Ehingen
Soil investigation Dr. Ing. Spotka und Partner GmbH, Postbauer-Heng

Visualisation by Eis Architekten GmbH