Flat search

Here you will find all the flats currently offered by wbg Nürnberg.
Of course, free of commission and without real estate agent or service fees.

Flat wanted. And found at wbg Nürnberg.

Browse through our housing offers and find your dream flat with ease online. Have you found a suitable rental flat? Then click on the “Apply” button. You will then be redirected to our online applicant portal. Here you can create a free account, fill out a self-disclosure form and then apply for up to five flats at the same time.

Haven’t found anything that suits you? Create a search query for your dream flat.

By the way, all services are absolutely free of charge without exception. Offering a bribe to our staff is pointless! Even a bribery attempt will result in you being excluded from the housing allocation process.

Note: These offers are subject to change. Errors, interim rentals and technical changes are reserved.