With the wbg 2000 Foundation, wbg Nürnberg GmbH is signalling its commitment to the City of Nuremberg and to the people who live and reside in this city. At the same time, it is a lasting demonstration of its social awareness as the largest housing enterprise in this city. The foundation’s work also expresses the company’s gratitude to its customers. Every year, between €50,000 and €100,000 flow into the foundation from wbg’s earnings.
Grants paid out for the year 2024
Funded projects in 2024
The foundation’s purpose has a broad scope: Projects and tasks from the following areas are supported:
Prerequisite: the measure must serve charitable purposes and must not cause any follow-up costs for the foundation.
Support for individuals – or if party-political or commercial interests are behind it – is excluded from funding. We also refuse to provide subsequent funding for projects in which the foundation was not involved from the beginning.
You can find the detailed guidelines on the awarding of grants here.
As a rule, the Foundation Advisory Board meets three times a year (March, July, December) to decide on the awarding of grants. The next meeting of the Advisory Board will take place on July 17, 2025. Applications for the next meeting can be submitted to Elisabeth Pfister by May 22, 2025 at the latest.
IMPORTANT: The documents must include the completed application form, a brief description of the subject of the application and a detailed cost, financing and implementation plan as well as the complete postal address with telephone number and e-mail address of the applicant. The application cannot be processed without these documents.
The charitable foundation was established by wbg with a foundation deed dated 10 July 2000. The occasion was the 950th anniversary of the first documented mention of the City of Nuremberg. The wbg 2000 Foundation became legally capable with the approval certificate of the government of Middle Franconia, which Karl Inhofer, then District President of Middle Franconia (centre), presented to the two former managing directors Peter H. Richter (left) and Ernst Voigt on 14 July 2000. It is a public foundation under civil law.
The bodies of the foundation include the Foundation Advisory Board and the Foundation Board of Directors. The City of Nuremberg has the right to nominate up to five members for the Foundation Advisory Board. Two further members are appointed by the founder or her legal successor.