Modernisation Schwein­auer Haupt­strasse

Project description

The 17 existing buildings on Schweinauer Hauptstraße 118-148 and Alfonsstraße 7, built in 1950, are being modernised to make them more energy efficient.  In the course of this, the roof will be replaced and the buildings will receive full thermal insulation. The existing balcony elements will be demolished and replaced by new and larger ones. The entire outdoor area will be renovated and redesigned.


The apartment buildings are located in Schweinau. Modernisation began in 2020.

Energy standard

The buildings meet the EnEV standard. This standard provides clear guidelines for the thermal insulation of houses. This includes, for example, façade insulation or the use of renewable energies.

Special features

One organisational challenge is modernising the building while it's occupied.


Residential units          


Living space

9,313 m²

Total costs

€4.6 million

Start of construction

August 2020


Already in occupied condition

Project management

wbg Nürnberg GmbH, BM-OM-BT, David Dietrich


Freier Architekt, Eduard Kaufmann, Nuremberg

Open spaces

Planungsbüro Bernd Kounovsky, Nuremberg