[Translate to English:] Grundstein für neue Berufsoberschule gelegt

[Translate to English:] Foto: Den Grundstein legten Oberbürgermeister Marcus König, Planungs- und Baureferent Daniel F. Ulrich, Schul- und Sportreferentin Cornelia Trinkl, Schulleiterin Barbara Maier, Leiterin des Amtes für berufliche Schulen Ulrike Horneber, wbg Geschäftsführer Ralf Schekira und Architekt Markus Pfisterer (v.l.n.r.).

WBG KOMMUNAL GmbH is building the new vocational secondary school (B 13) on Breslauer Straße on behalf of the City of Nuremberg. The foundation stone was laid on June 14, 2024 in the presence of Lord Mayor Marcus König.

The building will be constructed as a low-energy building, heated with district heating and supplied with electricity by a 150 KWP PV system. All sides of the main building will have a green façade, which will be irrigated with rainwater from two cisterns. 

Once completed, around 700 pupils and around 70 teachers from the departments of agriculture, biotechnology and environmental technology (ABU), social work, technology, business and administration and international business will attend the school every day. 

The design was created by gmp - Gerkan Marg und Partner Architekten/Berlin. A total of around 51 million euros will be invested. The Free State of Bavaria is funding the school with around 16.3 million euros. Completion is expected in summer 2026.

"With the construction of this new vocational secondary school, we as the city of Nuremberg are making a significant contribution to improving vocational education in our city. This is the first construction phase of the future Breslauer Straße school center. I will be delighted if the investment in education at this location falls on fertile ground and many generations benefit from it," explained Lord Mayor Marcus König at the foundation stone ceremony.

"This new school will be a modern and forward-looking building with optimal learning conditions for young people between the ages of 16 and 24. The City of Nuremberg's commitment to future-oriented education, which will be hidden behind these future walls, will also have a positive impact on the generations that come after us," said Cornelia Trinkl, Head of Schools and Sport.

"Extensive land and material recycling is taking place on the previously commercially used site. This is another way of demonstrating that we are fully aware of our responsibility towards the environment," explained Nuremberg's planning and construction officer Daniel F. Ulrich.

"We were happy to take on the contract for this new school and will do everything in our power to stay on schedule and within budget," said Ralf Schekira, Managing Director of the wbg Group.

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