Keystone for new Uhlandstraße primary school unveiled

The keystone was unveiled with the active help of some primary school children by planning and building officer Daniel Ulrich, wbg managing director Frank Thyroff, school and sports officer Cornelia Trinkl and Lord Mayor Marcus König. Photo: Philip Hauck, wbg Nuremberg
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WBG KOMMUNAL GmbH is developing the school site on Uhlandstrasse on behalf of the City of Nuremberg. The Ludwig Uhland primary school is currently housed together with the Ludwig Uhland secondary school in one building. Rising pupil numbers and changing educational requirements make it necessary to expand the site. The new four-storey building for the new primary school has been under construction in the south-western area of the school grounds for a good year now. To minimise the impact on the existing trees, a basement was not built. Instead, a 5th floor was built as an attic for the building services and subordinate rooms in the style of the listed existing building.

The new building takes up the alignment of the existing school on the south side and also adapts to the residential neighbourhood to the west. The main entrance faces south towards Grolandstraße, with a further entrance to the north via the schoolyard. The shell of the building has been completed for some time, so that the keystone can now be unveiled in the presence of Lord Mayor Marcus König.

"Here too, at the former Nuremberg North railway station, we are investing in education and building a new primary school. In doing so, we are once again setting an example for the future of children in our city. Following the conversion of the old gymnasiums into a canteen with modern lunchtime supervision rooms, this is the second construction phase at this location. After the start of operations, there will be another one with the renovation of the secondary school building," explained Lord Mayor Marcus König at the laying of the final stone.

"The new primary school building with space for up to 400 children in 16 classes will provide both the primary and secondary schools with modern classrooms. We are thus creating a future-proof school location for all pupils," said Cornelia Trinkl, Head of Schools and Sport.

"The plans to be realised at this location clearly demonstrate the importance of preserving valuable and old trees in the city of Nuremberg. We have designed the plans so creatively that we can preserve almost all of the trees," explains planning and construction officer Daniel F. Ulrich.

"From today's perspective, we assume that we will meet the completion date for the new primary school at the turn of the year 2024/2025 and also the budget of around 24 million euros. The Uhlandstrasse school site is located in the centre of our core residential area of Nordbahnhof. All primary and secondary school children from our 2,000 or so residential units go here. This is another reason why we were very happy to accept the commission to develop the school site," explained Frank Thyroff, Managing Director of WBG KOMMUNAL GmbH, at the unveiling of the keystone.


Contacts for enquiries:
City of Nuremberg                                                 wbg group of companies
Planning and Building Department             Corporate Communications
0911/231-48 00                                                     0911/8004-139


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