Cooperation for balcony solar systems

[Translate to English:] Umweltreferentin Britta Walthelm, wbg-Prokurist Frank Stücker und Sozialreferentin Elisabeth Ries mit weiteren Balkon-Solaranlagen im Hintergrund.
[Translate to English:] Auf dem Balkon wbg-Prokurist Frank Stücker, Sozialreferentin Elisabeth Ries, Mieterin Samira Babayeva und Umweltreferentin Britta Walthelm (v.l.n.r.) (Leider durch eine Taubennetz blicken) Alle Bilder: Catrin Töllner, wbg Nürnberg

Climate change is also an increasing concern for people who rent. Many want to make a positive contribution. As a result, the demand for balcony solar systems is also steadily increasing at the wbg Nürnberg GmbH real estate company. In a joint effort to protect the climate and promote the energy transition, the Department of Environment and Health, the Department of Youth, Family and Social Affairs and wbg Nürnberg GmbH Immobilienunternehmen have agreed on a temporary cooperation.

In principle, the municipal real estate company is in favor of installing such systems. However, certain conditions must be met. These include ensuring that the electrical engineering is suitable for feeding the electricity generated into the circuit, and the balcony construction must also be suitable for installation. If the building is a listed building, further listed building regulations must be observed. The tenant procures a suitable system himself at his own expense.

The two departments of the City of Nuremberg, supported by the Fund for Climate Protection and Sustainable Development of the Metropolitan Region, have provided one-off financial support for the project to help create the conditions for installation as part of the project. For example, it may be necessary to install a socket on the balcony and lay a corresponding cable. The social department is participating in this project so that people on lower incomes can also purchase such a system, and these costs will be borne by the tenants who will later also benefit from the system. 

A total of 17 systems are being funded by the Social Welfare Department as part of the cooperation, ten of which have already been installed. A further 22 inquiries have been received which could benefit from a subsidy from the environmental department. A further five tenants have already purchased and installed such a system themselves.

"We are delighted that we have been able to give the go-ahead with a financial injection from the budgets of our departments to ensure that the topic of balcony solar systems is being taken up in wbg's large portfolio. In this way, we are making a joint contribution to climate protection," explained Britta Walthelm, Head of Environment and Health, during an on-site visit to commission the first systems. 

"The contribution of our municipal wbg to municipal services of general interest is once again clear: they provide affordable housing for all population groups, ensure social cohesion in the neighborhoods with the SIGENA meeting places and are now setting an example together with us that the energy transition can only succeed if it keeps an eye on social balance," adds social affairs officer Elisabeth Ries. .....

wbg authorized signatory and Head of Portfolio Management Frank Stücker is convinced that the demand for balcony solar systems will increase in the future. "As wbg, we will do everything we can to ensure that the wishes of our tenants can be implemented as far as possible. We have included actively shaping climate protection in our range of activities. However, we are also aware that this is difficult to achieve in some places.

A fundraising campaign is currently underway with the European Metropolitan Region Climate Fund for the balcony solar project with a social focus in Nuremberg. The project description can be found at

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