New building above the Palmenhof bunker

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wbg Managing Director Ralf Schekira symbolically hands over the key to KiTa director Julia Geier (from left). Best wishes also came from FCN Head of Communications Katharina Fritsch and Pastor Hannes Schott. Photo: Catrin Töllner, wbg Nuremberg.

WBG KOMMUNAL GmbH was commissioned by the City of Nuremberg to plan and realise the development of the Palmenhof, Spittlertormauer 30. The listed Palmenhof bunker beneath the new building was secured and kept accessible by means of very complex underpinning work.

The result is a five-storey building with eight privately financed rental flats and a two-group kindergarten. The building is orientated towards the surrounding buildings in terms of its structural use. The inner courtyard area blends into the old town neighbourhood through intensive greening and its use (a simple sand play area and a hammock). The outdoor play areas of the kindergarten were built behind the city wall. A total of € 3.5 million was invested.

The building has since been acquired by wbg Nürnberg GmbH Immobilienunter-nehmen. The flats have all been let and the kindergarten has started operations. The operator is the Protestant parish of St Jakob.

Together with wbg Nürnberg, a co-operation has now been started with FCN 1, in the course of which specialist staff from FCN 1 will initially be offered an exercise and play programme once a month. The centre is also equipped with a wide range of FCN accessories. The cloakroom area was designed accordingly by FCN.

"In a complex environment, WBG KOMMUNAL GmbH has succeeded in designing a good solution in terms of heritage and urban planning, which closes a gap in the fabric of the old town and, above all, creates plenty of space for the children in the neighbourhood. At the same time, we at wbg Nürnberg are starting a cooperation with FCN - for the benefit of the children on the one hand and hopefully to attract new talent on the other", emphasised wbg Managing Director Ralf Schekira during the handover of the keys.

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