As early as 1994, wbg Nürnberg relied on wood as a renewable building material and thus realized the first buildings in timber construction. With the development of standardized floor plans as the basis for serial construction, wbg has been using wood as a building material again since 2015. In various residential projects, e.g. in Oskar-von-Miller-Straße or in the point houses in Reinerzer Straße, the potential of hybrid construction was exploited, thus enabling not only a high level of living comfort but also a reduction in finite resources.
In Nuremberg's Nordbahnhofsviertel district, a daycare center is currently being built using solid wood construction, which will save a total of around 820 tons of CO2. Another forward-looking project is the new Martin-Behaim-Gymnasium, which has space for 1,500 pupils and is being built using a timber-hybrid construction method.
“I see the appointment to the Academy's advisory board as a great appreciation of our work,” says Ralf Schekira. “Timber as a building material makes an important contribution to climate protection and at the same time offers a high quality of living. I am convinced that together on the advisory board we can provide impetus for the academy to further advance timber construction.”
Other members of the advisory board are Ina Scharrenbach, Minister for Home Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Building and Digitization of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Paul Johannes Fietz, Member of the Executive Board of the Federal Agency for Real Estate, Daniel Riedl, Member of the Executive Board of VONOVIA SE, Birgit Wittkowski, Director of PD Beraterin der öffentlichen Hand, Ulrich Schiller, Managing Director of HOWOGE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH, Alexander Rychter, Association Director of VdW Rheinland Westfalen and Thomas Willemeit, founder of GRAFT Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH Thomas Willemeit.